ARSL Conference Scholarships

Scholarship applications are now open! Submit your applications by Monday, April 7th.

Scholarship Application

About the Scholarships

Each year, the ARSL Grants, Awards & Scholarships (GAS) Committee accepts applications for four competitive scholarships to facilitate attendance at the ARSL Conference. These scholarships are funded through generous donations to the ARSL Scholarship Fund by our members and supporters. A special thank you to our ARSL Angels—members who go above and beyond by contributing $20 or more in addition to their membership to support these scholarships. Your generosity helps library workers from small and rural communities access valuable professional development opportunities.

Donate to the ARSL Scholarship Fund

Available Scholarships

Founders Conference Scholarship for Early-Career Library Workers

Available to ARSL members. This scholarship provides assistance for library workers with 1-5 years of experience in the field. These early-career library workers often have less access to professional development funding through their institutions, especially when they serve in non-director roles. ARSL is committed to supporting the growth of library workers at all levels, and this scholarship serves to sow the seeds of a strong profession for years to come.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • ARSL member in good standing
  • Applicant has been working in a library career for 1-5 years
  • Currently employed at a small and/or rural library (part-time or full-time)
  • First-time conference attendee (not counting virtual attendance)
  • A degree or certification is not required for eligibility


  • Complimentary registration
  • Three nights stay in a conference hotel
  • Up to $500 travel reimbursements

The Empowering Library Workers of Color Conference Scholarship
Library workers of color have been, and in many places continue to be, given access to fewer opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Establishing this scholarship is part of ARSL’s ongoing commitment to cultivating an intentionally inclusive professional community that amplifies the voices and lived experiences of library workers of color while also acknowledging the persistent structural inequalities within our profession.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • ARSL member in good standing 
  • Is a member of one or more marginalized and/or underrepresented ethnic, racial, or cultural identity groups (including but not limited to Black or African American; American Indian, First Nations, or Alaskan Native; Spanish, Hispanic, or Latine/a/o/x; Asian; Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, or other Pacific Islander; Middle Eastern or North African)
  • Currently employed at a small and/or rural library (part-time or full-time)
  • First-time conference attendee (not counting virtual attendance) 
  • A degree or certification is not required for eligibility


  • Complimentary registration
  • Three nights stay in a conference hotel

ARSL Angels Conference Scholarship
Available to ARSL members. The ARSL Angels scholarship gives ARSL members and supporters the opportunity to pay it forward and help members of their professional community access quality professional development opportunities that are tailor-made for small and rural libraries. Each year multiple Angels scholarships may be awarded, depending on the availability of funds.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • ARSL member in good standing 
  • Currently employed at a small and/or rural library (part-time or full-time)
  • First-time conference attendee (not counting virtual attendance) 
  • A degree or certification is not required for eligibility


  • Complimentary registration
  • Three nights stay in a conference hotel

Dr. Bernard Vavrek Conference Scholarship for LIS Students
Available to both ARSL members and non-members currently enrolled in Library and Information Science (LIS) courses. This conference scholarship is named in honor of the founder of ARSL's precursor organization, the Center for the Study of Rural Librarianship at Clarion University in Pennsylvania. Dr. Vavrek paved the way for the ARSL of today by dedicating his time to cultivating a fuller understanding of the uniqueness of small and rural libraries — a vision that guides our organization to this day.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Current part-time or full-time student taking Library and Information Science classes
  • First-time conference attendee (not counting virtual attendance)


  • One year of ARSL membership
  • Complimentary registration
  • Three nights stay in a conference hotel
  • $500 travel reimbursements

Recipient Responsibilities 

  • Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the entire conference. This does not include attending preconference workshops, which are not covered by scholarship funding.
  • Scholarship recipients are required to submit an article/blog post to ARSL about their conference experience for use on the website to advertise future conferences. The blog post, as well as any required receipts for reimbursement, are due within 30 days after conference attendance 
  • Recipients may be asked to serve on the GAS Committee the year following their award.

Third Party Funders 

Interested in providing ARSL scholarships? ARSL encourages third-party funders, such as vendors, to provide scholarship opportunities. If a third party chooses to fully cover the cost of a scholarship and asks ARSL to administer the selection, they will be allowed to establish their own award amount and selection criteria. The amount awarded will at minimum be equal to the conference registration cost. ARSL reserves the right to review and approve criteria used to select scholarship recipients. 

Iadditional third-party scholarships are offered for attendees that are dependent upon attending a particular session, ARSL will require the scholarship recipient to register for and attend the entire conference. Awards offered through a partnership with the ARSL organization or conference may have criteria set by the GAS Committee in conjunction with the funding partner. 

Past Scholarships

Manton Foundation Scholarships for New England Library Workers
This scholarship, established by The Manton Foundation for the 2024 ARSL Conference, provided conference attendance support for library workers from the New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Ken Davenport Conference Scholarship for Mid-Career Library Workers
This scholarship, founded in memory of tireless library advocate Ken Davenport of the North East Iowa Service Area, offered conference attendance support for library workers with 6-10 years of experience in the profession. It was first awarded in 2010 and sunset after the 2022 ARSL Conference.